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Haih trial exam is nearly approaching, feeling sad :(
Left 9 nine days only, feeling hate because my class need to sit for exam in school hall until the last day of exam = = 
The reason I dun wan to sit for exam is the hall is very hot then half of F3 ppl need to occupy the hall moreover, our hall dun have air con~.~ pack like sardine 

Seriously, my result for this time have improved by leaps and bounds :)
Feel delight because I deserve what I paid but, I WON'T GIVE UP
I will always try my best to reach a new target!

All my friends always "praise" me i don't know what they really want to convey but i juz laugh it off 
KE already start doing revision, ermm stressful? No. I just need to follow his footsteps to follow up i don't think it is a hard mission. I failed Maths -.- maths is really my enemy but i will ask my friend to teach me so that i can improve my maths skills. 

That's all hope all candidates can pass with flying colours! :D Fighting! 



它很可爱!!!! 简直就是爱死它了 ♥♥♥
我要Happy Meal 我要Minion TT

那个女的 不对 应该是hiao zheng ^^
恭喜你成功晋级到了hiao zheng这一级 下一级就是zap zheng了 加油哦^^
我的水管被人弄跌肮脏了之后我叫她去洗 可是越洗越肮脏 
你竟然说 哎呀 一点点肮脏罢了嘛不用紧的啦 讲了这句话就算了还做那个pattern!
你知道很loheng吗? olingo
很美是吗 你现在是?! 
整天扮一副乖乖的样子 看了就beh tu你!
做莫? 不爽我是吗? 忽冷忽热? 我没精神陪你! 
说什么不喜欢喜欢hiao男生的女生 你自己呢?
你hiao谁 你跟我讲! hiao他? 
Nahh 你以为你帮他做东西他就很感谢你? 
你只是被他利用罢了tambai kia -.- 
虽然我对他的印象不错 我没有要针对他^^ 只针对你!
每次都装自己很勤劳 帮忙扫地 ?
hiao zheng啦你 昨天我最开心的 因为他骂你hiao zheng
你经过窗口的时候我也骂你hiao zheng 你以为是yk骂的?
其实是我哦 清楚明白? ^^